Holiday Shopping!!



Oh what a fun!! The mall was decorated so so beautifully.It really feels like Holidays!! Its fun to just be in the mall.There was a huge Christmas tree and Santa was right beneath it.We took a picture  with Santa this year.At first,we were feeling quite out of the place because, everyone came with kids or babies to take picture but then we thought we have a baby too,its just that she is inside the womb.I wanted to have a our baby to have a picture with Santa every year ,starting from now from the 0th year 🙂 that is when she is inside her mommy.



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We then had our lunch at the California Pizza Kitchen.This is our first time going to that place.We ordered fresh lemon juice,Chips with guacamole, and vegetarian pizza.The food was delicious and we also loved the ambience of the place .

All in all it was a great experience at the mall,as far as shopping goes we didn’t really do much of it.But definitely enjoyed the feel at the mall.

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